Thursday, January 29, 2015


Did you know that on January 29 1820, King George III died? Well Today just happened to be the 29th exactly 195 years later. A little off from that 200 year mark but doesn't mean we should not get to know this king.

Things to know about this king!

  • He was born on June 4th 1738.
  • Born with the disease Porphyria. ( A disease that is passed through generations, symptoms normally include personality changes, different sorts of pains, sensitivity to light.)
  • He also had a learning disability learning to read at 11.

Some may say that from the issues above, he was deemed more as a "inflexible tyrant". He did not really give any leeway with the rules he governed. However he also had someone helping him throughout the whole thing. He had "Lord North" as is minister, who he appointed in 1770. So maybe a combination of both?

Either way the result from his ruling had direct andk indirect influence on produces the Revolutionary war. 

In 1781 his army lost the battle of Yorktown and he agreed to the conditions. The "Treaty of Paris" recognized united states and ceded Florida to Spain.

More to know!

  • In his early reign as King, he worked hard and long to end the "Seven Year's War".
  • He had multiple ministers before "Lord North". It was not actually the kings idea to do the stamp act it was minister George Grenville in 1764. 
  • He had 15 kids! His wife Charlotte of Mecklenburg, birthed them all.

There is more to know on him but most of the stuff is just about how he exactly created that spiral to the Revolutionary war. through his decisions as a ruler. Although he had diseases and had to point people to help make decisions, he will be the one people look at that says he caused this to happened. Since he was the king making it so he had the final say on all decisions even if he could not comprehend the outcome or what exactly was going into affect.
King George III in his coronation robes

King George III Died on January 29th 1820 in the Windsor Castle. Having the second longest British reign roughly 60 years.

Works Cited
"George III." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
"King George III Dies." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
"King George III." King George III. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

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